In 1887, officials of the Fremont Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad designated the name “Howell” to the community. This name honored James Smith Howell, who was a local surveyor, farmer and teacher. The final “s” was added in 1937 making the legal name Howells. In 1888, Harry E. Phelps began the Howell’s Journal, the local newspaper, which continues to thrive. The Howells Historical Museum and Howells Library has memorabilia items available for viewing.
The library’s holdings include:
- Howells Industrial Facts Book
- The History of Colfax County 1867-1967 Nebraska’s Centennial Year
- Historical album and descriptive history of Howells – 1916
- Diamond Jubilee 1887-1962 Howells, Nebraska
- Memoirs of a Village 1887-1937, Howells
- Howells, Nebraska, The First One Hundred Years 1887-1987
- 1887 Howells NE 2012 Quasquicentennial 125 celebration, Family & Business History updated 1987-2011
You can now view Howells Journal newspapers from 1892 to 2020! Click here to view all of them! More years will be added as they become available. Library staff is available to answer questions and to help search the site!
Click the link to the right to view a slideshow from the 2023 March Madness Bobcat event that honored the Howells High School teams of the 19070’s!
Visit the Howells Bobcats park in downtown Howells where you’ll find a sign with all the Howells High School state championships listed! It’s located at the Southeast corner of May St. & 3rd St.